Red Hat Marketplace

This document provides information specific for Operator Service for Jenkins® installed from the Red Hat Marketplace. For more general information see other sections of this documentation.


The Operator Service for Jenkins® is available in the Red Hat Marketplace. This allows for an easy deployment to your OpenShift cluster.


Operator Service for Jenkins® offers some additional features when deployed from the Red Hat Marketplace:

  • The Operator and Bundle Image certified by Red Hat for OpenShift cluster.
  • Straightforward deployment.
  • Out-of-the-box integration with OpenShift (autoscaling, user authorization, ingress and more).
  • Enterprise level support.

Quick Start

See Quick Start page for for a step-by-step guide to deploy Operator Service for Jenkins® and a basic Jenkins® instance from Red Hat Marketplace.

Next Steps

For the next steps see:

The API Schema is documented here.

API documentation with samples are also available in the OpenShift Console, when editing Custom Resources.


Details regarding security in Operator Service for Jenkins® can be found here. Differences in the security aspects when deploying the Operator on the OpenShift cluster are documented below.

Jenkins® instance deployed by the Operator Service for Jenkins® by default uses the OpenShift’s internal OAuth server. To ensure this works feature works flawlessly the Operator will not apply the hardening script that is enabling CSRF protection in Jenkins.

During the installation process, the following RoleBinding will be applied automatically for the Operator’s ServiceAccount so the Operator has access to the OpenShift project, where it will be deploying Kubernetes resources:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: admin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: op-svc-jenkins-service-account
  namespace: op-svc-jenkins


The Operator will deploy a Route for Jenkins by default. Thanks to this Jenkins will be accessible through the cluster’s domain. The route will be named according to the following template: jenkins-{jenkinsName}. You can see this Route in the OpenShift Console under Networking/Routes.

Need Help?

In case you need more information or help see our FAQ and Troubleshooting pages. You can also open a support case through the Red Hat Marketplace Customer Support.